Advocacy + Coalitions + Crisis Comms+ Government Relations

Connecting the best ideas to the right people.

We help our clients craft compelling messages and develop smart communications strategies to engage the right audiences and influence public opinion.

We also know what it’s like to be on the front end of organization and coalition development. We take ideas and move to action. We know what it’s like to step into an organization needing fresh perspective, new ideas and renewed relevance.

Public Affairs Specialties

Coalition Building

We are Wisconsin’s go-to firm for organizations looking to break down walls and leverage coalitions to help find consensus and advance projects and policies.

It’s important to know who may be affected both positively and negatively by legislative and regulatory proposals and it’s important to know who to engage - and how to engage them.

Crisis Communications

With nearly 30 years of experience dealing with the media in Wisconsin, we maintain longstanding relationships with decision makers, influencers and members of the media to support our clients efforts to get into the public eye and and get out of it. JRM Advisers can help you navigate Wisconsin’s political environment and understand the pros and cons of weighing in on hot-button issues. We are also comfortable helping you responding to unplanned circumstances. 


We create and support campaigns that connect to local, state and federal policy makers, support businesses, solve problems, leverage resources, create jobs, drive organizational growth and tell a great story. We develop communication plans to share information and develop stakeholder relations with politicians, communities, trade associations, policy makers, think tanks, business groups and government agencies.